The Story Continues...

Soon after, from a cramped closet turned office in the school building on Temple Street, Mrs. Gregory learned the daily rhythm of the twelve Brothers and hundreds of boys who piled into the eight classrooms. She started out handling permanent record cards and filing, and quickly took on the tasks necessary to maintain a school that was rapidly outgrowing its space. She would handle all addresses and mailing, all school files, the Brothers’ day and week schedules… and anything else that arose from behind her typewriter on Temple Street! Mrs. Gregory joined the Saint John’s community at a pivotal time in its history. The school was about to relocate to Shrewsbury, and she became a crucial part of the functioning of the new school in a time of transition.

Along with the junior and senior classes, Mrs. Gregory moved to Shrewsbury in September 1961, when the “new school” was made up of two floors of classrooms and an office. Though at the time only half of what is now Conal Hall existed, the space was near luxurious for Mrs. Gregory and the Brothers.  In the mid-to-late-sixties, when it was becoming evident that there weren’t enough Brothers on staff to address the increase of students, lay faculty began arriving. Rich Sullivan ’55, Bill White ’60, and her son Stephen ushered in that new era that began the day Mrs. Gregory arrived on Temple Street. Mrs. Gregory, fondly referred to by some as the “First Lady,” witnessed the arrival of these new “giants of Saint John’s.”
Mrs. Gregory dutifully represented her post for over four decades. Whether serving as Brother Chad’s assistant, registrar, principal’s secretary, tuition biller, prom chaperone, fundraiser, book keeper, proofreader, nurse, or tailor, Mrs. Virginia Gregory not only paved the way for the hundreds of lay men and women who would serve at the school, but also indelibly shaped the day-to-day lives of thousands of Pioneers. The First Lady of Saint John’s High School, Mrs. Virginia Gregory, is a testament to the Temple Street roots and the spirit of growth built on a humble foundation of sacrifice for the good of others.

Along with his brothers, Steve Gregory attended St. John's Grammar and High School, and has since been a lifelong Pioneer educator. After graduating in 1967, he majored in English at Dartmouth and later earned a Master's Degree in English from Brown. A brilliant scholar, Mr. Gregory returned to his alma mater to teach not English, but math, including Algebra through Advanced Placement Calculus. Under Headmaster Brother Conal in 1993 Mr. Gregory served as Academic Dean on the condition that he remain in the classroom. For Mr. Gregory, teaching is his life's true vocation. 

Mr. Gregory served as principal from 2001 to 2007, helping to facilitate the transition of administration with the school's first lay headmaster. With tireless devotion he provided continuity to the school community. He returned to the classroom, where he continues to pass on life lessons and a passion for learning, encouraging all of his students to becoming independent lifelong learners. for over 40 years, Mr. Gregory has created an environment in his classroom that not only fosters intellectual excellence but also helps provide studens with firm moral development and strong character formation.

For almost five decades Mr. Gregory has been committed to the school's Xaverian mission, and is always available to every Saint John's student, whether or not they are taking a course with him. As an educator, he lives by his personal code: "Rule 0: Respect."

The Gregory family has dedicated several lifetimes of care and attention to Saint John's students, and for their tireless devotion to the moral and intellectual education of all Pioneers, the new Academic Center honors them.
Saint John’s High School has educated young men under the sponsorship of the Xaverian Brothers since 1898. Through the Saint John’s strong college preparatory curriculum, over 900 students in grades seven through twelve pursue personal and intellectual growth in an environment that is committed to the development of the whole person and recognizes a moral dimension of life through service to God and to others.