Documentation Guidelines
If you are seeking accommodations for your son as he receives them in his current school setting, an active I.E.P., 504 plan or otherwise noted school accommodation plan is required in order for any documentation to be reviewed in consideration of accommodations at Saint John’s High School.
All provided documentation must:
inlcude a copy of the active I.E.P., 504 plan or otherwise noted school accommodation plan with dates showing that the plan is currently in place;
state the specific disability / impairment, as diagnosed;
be current (the evaluation must be completed within three years of the request for accommodations);
provide relevant educational, developmental, and medical history;
describe the comprehensive testing and techniques used to arrive at the diagnosis (including evaluation date(s) and test results with subtest scores from measures of cognitive ability, current academic achievement, and information processing);
describe the functional limitations supported by the test results;
describe the specific accommodations requested, and state why the student's disability qualifies the student for such accommodations; and
establish the professional credentials of the evaluator, including information about license, certification and area of specialization.
If you are seeking accommodations for your son and he does not currently receive accommodations, the first step in the review process is to submit a current (within the past 3 years) evaluation to Steven Favulli, Director of the Gregory Academic Center. Upon receipt of the documetation, an initial meeting will be scheduled. Each request is conisdered on a case by case basis.
Documentation must:
be current (the evaluation must be completed within three years of the request for accommodations);
provide relevant educational, developmental, and medical history;
describe the comprehensive testing and techniques used to arrive at the diagnosis (including evaluation date(s) and test results with subtest scores from measures of cognitive ability, current academic achievement, and information processing);
describe the functional limitations supported by the test results;
describe the specific accommodations requested, and state why the student's disability qualifies the student for such accommodations; and
establish the professional credentials of the evaluator, including information about license, certification and area of specialization.