

English Philosophy

The English Department strives to cultivate a love for reading, writing, and critical thinking, grounded in the Catholic Xaverian tradition. We believe that the study of literature is essential in fostering empathy, emotional intelligence, and self-examination for all students. Our curriculum, from grades 7-12, directs students to explore the written word to better understand themselves and others, while developing the skills necessary to communicate effectively. By engaging with diverse texts and mastering the craft of writing, students are preparing both for realizing academic success and for living the Xaverian charisms of simplicity, compassion, humility, trust, and zeal.

Our Goals

List of 3 items.

  • Cultivate Critical Thinking and Empathy through Literature

    A goal of the Department is to facilitate rich discussions that encourage students to analyze and synthesize ideas across multiple texts. Through literary exploration, we try to help students place themselves in characters' experiences, fostering empathy and humility. This approach encourages students to view literature as a means of understanding others and developing critical thinking skills that enhance both intellectual and emotional growth.
  • Develop Proficient and Confident Writers

    We strive to establish a foundation of essential grammar and the writing process, emphasizing drafting, peer revision, and iterative improvement. We also encourage students to explore diverse writing styles, distinguishing between formal and informal voices across multiple writing modes. By mastering these fundamentals, students will grow in confidence and proficiency, capable of adapting their writing to various purposes and audiences.
  • Foster a Lifelong Love for Reading

    The English Department endeavors to inspire students to engage in deep reading, prioritizing immersion in the text and an intentional focus on the page. Through diverse selections that mirror the human condition, we hope to guide students to discover literature that resonates personally, enriching their understanding of different human experiences. We also work to equip students with strategies to read effectively for learning, fostering a genuine and enduring passion for reading that connects literature to life.

Department Faculty

List of 9 members.

  • Photo of David Christie

    David Christie 

  • Photo of Michael Curran

    Michael Curran 

  • Photo of Catherine Dorian

    Catherine Dorian 

  • Photo of Lauren Favulli

    Lauren Favulli 

    Middle School English Faculty/Class Dean
  • Photo of Diane Mulligan

    Diane Mulligan 

    Faculty/Class Dean
  • Photo of Michael Smith

    Michael Smith 

  • Photo of Elizabeth Tivnan

    Elizabeth Tivnan 

    Middle School English Faculty
  • Photo of William Toomey

    William Toomey 

  • Photo of William White

    William White 

    English Chair/Class Dean
Saint John’s High School has educated young men under the sponsorship of the Xaverian Brothers since 1898. Through the Saint John’s strong college preparatory curriculum, over 900 students in grades seven through twelve pursue personal and intellectual growth in an environment that is committed to the development of the whole person and recognizes a moral dimension of life through service to God and to others.