Our Mission
The mission of the Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools flows directly from the mission of the Congregation of the Xaverian Brothers which is:
to serve the Church in its work of evangelization, particularly through the Church's ministry of education. Constitutions of the Brothers of Saint Francis Xavier.
Today Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools are located in several countries and situated within very distinct cultures. This international dimension of Xaverian Sponsorship makes real the universality of the Church's mission of evangelization.
Enriched by cultural pluralism, Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools are challenged to understand, respect, affirm and celebrate the diversity of cultural values and worldviews.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ forms the core belief that impels the educational ministry of the Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools. Within their distinct cultural contexts, Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools strive to respond to the call of evangelization by focusing on three important dimensions:
- Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ for the purpose of understanding His message about life as found in the Gospels and the authentic tradition of the Church.
- Creating a community of faith in which all members of the school can encounter Christ and experience and celebrate the meaning of Christian living.
- Preparing students to understand life in light of the Gospel imperatives that call all believers to discipleship, using their talents and competencies to build the Kingdom of God with justice and love of neighbor.
Aware of the developments and ever-changing needs of the time, the Congregation, Corporate Members and representatives of the school communities periodically articulate the Vision, Values and Goals that give direction to the educational activities of Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools.