Saint John's Curriculum

MS Science

Students in Grade 7 Science are introduced to an integrated science curriculum with a strong emphasis on conceptual physics, and how physics impacts the natural world. This skills-based curriculum seeks to familiarize students with the foundations of lab safety and prepares them for the high school science progression. Students have regular opportunities to apply these skills practically through shared use of the high school lab spaces in the Ryken Center. The students will learn how to work both independently and in conjunction with classmates as they build these skills. Assessment for the course is strongly based on the demonstration of skills through hands-on lessons, in addition to class participation and completion of regular written assignments.

The Grade 8 Science curriculum elaborates upon and deepens the concepts presented in the previous year of science instruction. During the physical science units, students learn about the structure and properties of matter, interactions of matter, and chemical reactions. During the life science units, students learn about the structure and function of living things, body systems, evidence of common ancestry, and organization of matter and energy flow in organisms. During the Earth science unit, students learn about weather and climate and Earth’s systems.

At the end of the eighth-grade year, students plan and carry out an investigation or create a prototype as a culmination project to use the science and engineering practices and link them to the chain of knowledge acquired over their courses in middle school science. This course is designed to integrate the three dimensions of scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. This curriculum will help students along their path to pursue life-long learning, develop their inquiry and critical thinking skills based on arguments from evidence, and help students realize the close connections of all factors in the world around them.


Below are the freshman level Science courses eighth grade students can be recommended for:

  • Biology (1)

    Students will be exposed to the same topical studies as in the Honors section. However, adjustments are made in the pace, breadth and depth of presentation. As with Honors Biology, videos, lab exercises, and projects support textual materials.
  • Biology (2)

    Living systems introduces the novice science student to the study of organisms. Areas of concentration are the cell, genetics, and the animal phyla. The reading and pace are geared to the student for whom Honors and Level I may be too stringent.
  • Biology (H)

    This course demonstrates the foundations of Biology through the study of the chemistry of life, cell biology, genetics, evolution, invertebrate and vertebrate phylogeny, human systems, and ecological interactions. Videos, laboratory exercises, demonstrations, and projects are used to support and make practical content areas.
Saint John’s High School has educated young men under the sponsorship of the Xaverian Brothers since 1898. Through the Saint John’s strong college preparatory curriculum, over 900 students in grades seven through twelve pursue personal and intellectual growth in an environment that is committed to the development of the whole person and recognizes a moral dimension of life through service to God and to others.