Saint John's celebrates world languages

National Language week culminated with international food and games at SJ!

The World Languages department organized a week of activities that celebrated the significance of language and culture in our world and school. This national week-long celebration highlights the importance of understanding others through their unique cultural practices and traditions.

The daily prayer each morning was read in different languages by students, Father José Rodriguez celebrated Mass in Spanish in the new Robert R Jay Performing Arts Center, and on Thursday, March 17 Saint John's hosted an international festival of food, performances by Chinese classes, and games in the new Founders Hall after school.

World Language teachers provided authentic Chinese, French, and Spanish food for the students and teachers to enjoy. According to the World Language Department, "the study of a second language is essential to the development of the whole person. As we educate young men for life in the 21st-century, it is essential that they be infused with an awareness of the cultural, linguistic, and sociological diversity that will provide them the sensitivity to coexist in a multi-ethnic society." 

Check out more pictures from the 2016 World Language Festival and Mass in Spanish!

2016 World Language Festival

Mass in Spanish | Misa en Espanol